Friday 25 June 2021, 11am-12noon (BST)
Our final webinar in this series focuses specifically on the lessons we have learnt over the last 18 months; and how we can benefit from them as we adapt to future ways of working, including going back to the office.
As we prepare for the next new chapter in our working lives, we discuss, through the optic of our experiences, what those lessons are collectively and as individuals, how they can help us build more resilient teams, and how they can shape our approach to work going forward.
We look at the cybersecurity risks of employees returning to the workplace (either full-time or on a hybrid basis), including the increase in phishing attacks at the start of the coronavirus outbreak and likelihood of similar attempts when staff change working environments once more, and whether employees have maintained good device and password hygiene, and clean desk habits while away from the workplace.
Join us for a discussion about what organisations’ security awareness strategies look like in the working world going forwards to reduce these risks – incorporating the holy trilogy of people, process and technology.
Guest chaired by
Stuart Frost BEM (info), Head of Enterprise Security & Risk Management, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Presented by
Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, Reliance acsn
Matthew Parker (info), CISO, Mourant
Hannah Tufts (info), Founder, EXHALE Global
Dasha Diaz (info), Founder and CEO, itrainsec
Richard Bach, Director, Kontago
The rest of the series
Watch Session 1 on demand – Culture and trust: Adapting to change in the shadow of a pandemic
Watch Session 2 on demand – Identifying the conscious/unconscious insider threat
Watch Session 3 on demand – Post-pandemic leadership challenges cyber security functions must consider