Friday 25 March 2022, 11am-12noon (GMT)
How often do we consider ethics and resilience in the same breath? Yet ethics underpins our actions, both as individuals and as a collective, and influences the way organisations operate. No more so than when an organisation is in crisis.
Magdalena Robertsson Lind joined Tarquin Folliss OBE and Hannah Tufts to share her experience helping the Swedish healthcare system develop greater resilience in the face of the biggest health challenge in a century; and the importance of ethics in achieving this.
Guest chaired by
Haydn Brooks (info), CEO, RiskLedger
Presented by
Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, Reliance acsn
Hannah Tufts (info), Owner, EXHALE Global
Magdalena Robertsson Lind (info), Co-Founder, Metis Services