Wednesday 11 October 2023, 11am-12noon (BST)
Privileged access management (PAM) has long been a challenge for companies due to the many different types of privileged accounts to consider, the multiple dimensions affected, and the fact these accounts are everywhere in the system. PAM may be a growing priority, but the solution is not one-size-fits-all.
It’s crucial to reassess the various facets of PAM to effectively manage privileged accounts in different ways.
This webinar gives an introduction to privileged access security, a walk through the traditional approach to PAM, a discussion on whether zero standing privilege (ZSP) is the future of PAM, and a look at best practice for building your own strategy.
Guest chaired by
Matthew Parker (info), Chief Information Security Officer, Mourant
Presented by
Aurelia De Maleissye (info), Senior Consultant, Wavestone
Alasdair Hatat (info), Consultant, Wavestone
Julien Mahieu (info), Manager, Wavestone